I heard God`s voice since the age of twelve.
Additionally, at the age of twenty I had the privilege to work as a Pastor at my Local church in Africa.
There were times when the Lord miraculously connected me with other people and through them; I received invitations to preach in their churches.
Every time I ministered, God’s hand was always with me. I saw the lost saved, sick healed, ministries restored, and people blessed and excelling in their gifts.
In fact, even today, people always respond to the salvation call I give whenever I minister. Miracles, signs and wonders always happen. the lame walk, the blind see, the deaf hear , all sorts of cancer and hearts diseases and many more incurable diseases get healed, short legs grow back and the dead are raised.
Many years ago the Lord spoke to me about starting the `Power of The Cross ministries International`. PCM is worldwide ministry having the mission to save the lost through evangelism crusades by bringing the miraculous healing power of God to the nations.
I remember when I started it; I had no financial support or no connection whatsoever. I was on my own always-trusting God to fulfil all his promises about me. We started as a cell group with four people only but after several years of perseverance and hard work, the Lord has blessed us so much. People’s lives have changed through evangelism crusades around the world. The ministry has expanded in many countries of the world.
Can you imagine in just short years we have witnessed over several thousands of salvation decisions for Jesus Christ? How encouraging! Moreover, our goal is to continue our efforts to launch out into the deep, whether it is in a remote village in the jungles of Africa, or meeting with dignitaries all over the world.
Equally, God has impressed upon our hearts the strategic time we are living in. It is harvest time! In addition, we are filled with expectancy, fully aware that some nations are totally ripe to receive the gospel of Jesus Christ! They are tired of dead-beat religion and not being able to enter into a real experience of faith and communion with their Heavenly Father. No wonder they are thrilled when we come with the good news, and that good news is Jesus Christ, the name above all names. He is the same yesterday, today and forevermore.
Thousands of Ministers of the gospel from around the world also attend our meetings to witness the miracle power of God firsthand and they return to their ministries and churches with a tangible healing anointing to do the things they see.
I do believe, as we put our trust in God and continue to obey the heavenly vision, which God has placed in our hearts, there are better days to come and many people lives will change. People will be empowered to do the work of the Kingdom of God. Nations, Cities and families will be healed and delivered through the power of God`s word. In addition, the name of our Lord Jesus Christ will be glorified.
Apostle Medyt