
The Blessings that Follow a true Servant of God

  I heard God`s voice since the age of twelve.  
 Additionally, at the age of twenty I had the privilege to work as a Pastor at my Local church in Africa.
There were times when the Lord miraculously connected me with other people and through them; I received invitations to preach in their churches. 

     Every time I ministered, God’s hand was always with me. I saw the lost saved, sick healed, ministries restored, and people blessed and excelling in their gifts.
    In fact, even today, people always respond to the salvation call I give whenever I minister. Miracles, signs and wonders always happen. the lame walk, the blind see, the deaf hear , all sorts of cancer and hearts diseases and many more incurable diseases get healed, short legs grow back and the dead are raised.
Many years ago the Lord spoke to me about starting the `Power of The Cross ministries International`. PCM is worldwide ministry having the mission to save the lost through evangelism crusades by bringing the miraculous healing power of God to the nations.

I remember when I started it; I had no financial support or no connection whatsoever. I was on my own always-trusting God to fulfil all his promises about me.  We started as a cell group with four people only but after several years of perseverance and hard work, the Lord has blessed us so much. People’s lives have changed through evangelism crusades around the world. The ministry has expanded in many countries of the world.
Can you imagine in just short years we have witnessed over several thousands of salvation decisions for Jesus Christ? How encouraging! Moreover, our goal is to continue our efforts to launch out into the deep, whether it is in a remote village in the jungles of Africa, or meeting with dignitaries all over the world.

Equally, God has impressed upon our hearts the strategic time we are living in. It is harvest time! In addition, we are filled with expectancy, fully aware that some nations are totally ripe to receive the gospel of Jesus Christ! They are tired of dead-beat religion and not being able to enter into a real experience of faith and communion with their Heavenly Father. No wonder they are thrilled when we come with the good news, and that good news is Jesus Christ, the name above all names. He is the same yesterday, today and forevermore.
Thousands of Ministers of the gospel from around the world also attend our meetings to witness the miracle power of God firsthand and they return to their ministries and churches with a tangible healing anointing to do the things they see.
I do believe, as we put our trust in God and continue to obey the heavenly vision, which God has placed in our hearts, there are better days to come and many people lives will change. People will be empowered to do the work of the Kingdom of God. Nations, Cities and families will be healed and delivered through the power of God`s word. In addition, the name of our Lord Jesus Christ will be glorified.
Apostle Medyt


Your Mouth is the key for breakthrough

 Your breakthrough depends on the power of your tongue. All has to do with what is coming out of your mouth. Proverbs 18:21 says that what you actually say releases the power of life and death: “ Death and life are in the power of the tongue, and those who love it will east its fruits” ( NKJV).
While the battle for your life is being fought in your mind, your mouth is the most powerful weapon you have against the enemy! It is the weapon in combating your worst thoughts. Let me explain. You defeat wrong thoughts with your words, not with your mind. You cannot try hard to think about something else until your bad thoughts go away. It is just a matter of time before your mind will go right back to where it wanted to be.

 Remember this, the Key to Changing your life from hopeless to hopeful, from discouraged to encouraged, from broken hearted to being made whole, from depressed to joyful, from wounded to be healed, from passive to aggressive, from existing to visionary is the power of your tongue.

Christ Resurection Power

In the end of 2007, One day, I received a phone call from a friend of mine who used to be a minister in East London England. I remember during that time, as a missionary, I used to travel a lot for the work of God.
One day, he called me late in the evening and told me that a dear woman was seriously sick and terribly in agony for about 5 days. In fact, that woman could not eat or stand up. She was unable to look after herself or children. She was dying with terminal disease alone in her own house with two little kids. Taking to account she`s been frequently going to hospital and taking medicine but nothing worked well until her health condition deteriorated.

Well, when he asked me to go and pray for her, I realised that I was far from the place where she lived and it could take me long to get there. Then I said to him that I could not make it through. Nevertheless, later the Spirit of God changed my mind and urged me to go to that place.

Arriving at her place late around 11 pm, I rung the house`s bell but realized that no one was answering. Then I insisted, after about 20 min later I heard a voice, it was a 5 years old little child who came to open the door.
I asked her, how her mum was doing; She replied that it has been 3 hours that her mum was not speaking, neither moving. Once I heard that, I found out that her situation was at a critical stage. I entered in the house. Once I arrived in the living room, I saw that lady`s body lying on the sofas. She was dead already. Her body was cold.
Then I cried, saying “ Lord I wish I came earlier, why did I take so long to arrive!” , Then the Lord said to me,: “ With me God nothing shall be impossible” , He continued saying: “ Medyt, if you believe in me now , and pray, you`ll see my resurrection power unleashed in this woman life!” And He said to me again “this woman time to die has not come yet “

I looked around and saw the little kids around me, and then I cried again with tears. I bowed on my knees and began to worship God. Then I reminded God about His promises. As I was praying in the spirit, I led my right hand on her dead body and commanded her in the name of Jesus to come back to life. Before I finished praying, suddenly her breath came back into her and she started breathing.
Her eyes that looked so white and upside down turned to normal. All of the sudden she started sweating and her body became so warm.

As I kept praying, suddenly, she jumped off from the sofas and cried loud: “Thank God, I was about to leave my Kids forever!”
Bearing in mind she was dead for about three hours and was not in motion for a while, she was unable to move properly. I asked her if she could make some movements. It was actually, but with a little help of mine, she managed to move.
Praise God! She came back to life. God raised her from death! With God, all things are possible.
Jesus said : “And as ye go, preach, saying ` the kingdom of God is at hand. Heal the sick, cleanse the lepers, raise the dead and cast out devils: freely ye have received, freely give.” ( Matthiew 10:7-8 KJV).


The power of confession

confess your faults one to another, and pray for one another, that ye may be healed. The effectual fervent prayer of a righteous man availeth much”. (James 5: 16 KJV)

One day, we had an all night prayer service in the local church. I remember having invited a friend whom also brought his sick elder brother to participate to the meeting. Moreover, because I was in charge of leading the prayer service that night, I decided to ask people to tell me about their issues so that we would intercede about them. Late in the night, as we were all in prayer, suddenly that friend informed me that he needed prayer for his sick brother. In fact, he asked me if we could pray for his brother to be healed from mental and generic disorder. 

I replied, yes of course!  Then I asked his brother to kneel down and invited all those who were with me to join in prayer also. Just when we started singing, I noticed that the sick person began to feel uncomfortable. His face expression began to change. Because of that, he started moving from one corner of the room to another. He started shaking and crying aloud. His voice was like the sound of wild animal. Suddenly, when I looked at his face, I realized that as long as he opened his mouth wide, the corner of his mouth was able to reach up to his ears. Because of that, all the people who were together with me got afraid.

 As I was in Spirit, the Lord began to explain to me the causes of his sickness. I found out that he was possessed by demons and needed both healing and deliverance. Then God told me that he had a personal issue with his uncle and that what caused him to be sick. In addition, the Lord said to me: “As long as he was not going to forgive his uncle, he was not going to be healed from that sickness, even if we prayed for him”. 

Later before I decided praying for him, I asked him to confess about that issue and forgive those who hurt him in the past.  As he was on his knees, he looked at his brother and said: “I am forgiving everyone who`s done me wrong, but I will never forgive my uncle!”.

I insisted once more and urged him to open his heart and release the things that were hidden inside his heart, but he refused. For that reason, unfortunately we were not able to pray for him to be healed from that sickness just as the Lord said to us. Then he left the building where we were praying without being healed from his infirmities.
      Dear reader, Confession and forgiveness are one of the principle keys to open the gate of heaven and release infinite favour and blessing upon us.

Of course, I know how hard is to face rejection by the people you love, to experience betrayal or abuses. How challenging is to be accused when you are recognized being innocent.

How testing is, accept humiliation in front of all.  To be taken for granted while you are doing good to others.
Despite all that, you can still be imitator of Christ by forgiving those who mistreat you.
The word of God teaches us to be doer of good. Alike Christ, even though he was rejected, abused, beaten and crucified he didn`t open His mouth to curse, but to bless instead.