

1. Happy are you when people insult you and persecute you and tell all kinds of evil lies against you because you are my followers. Be happy and glad for a great reward is in store for you in heaven. This is how the prophets who lived before you were persecuted. Math 5: 11 – 12. “I have come that they may have life and have it to life and have it to the full “John 10: 10 2. Do you want to experience the abundant life which Jesus promised in John 10: 10? The bible tells us that as a man thinks- or believes in his heart so is he. Prov 23: 7.

If you believe in your heart that you are an overcomer in Christ then you will act like an overcomer and you will become an overcomer. You can have victory in every areas of your life that’s why I put together this simple yet extremely effective tools to help you set your thoughts on victory when your thoughts are filled with victory. Your actions and experiences will be filled with victory to the Glory of God! 3. “Come to me all that Labor and are heavy laden and I will give you rest”, Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, For I am gentle and lowly in heart. And you will find rest for your souls, for my yolk is easy and my burden is light.” Mat 11 : 28. 4.

5. Three Warnings. These are SIX things that the Lord Hate. Yes 7 are an Abomination to him. • A proud Heart. • A Lying tongue. • A hand that sheds blood. • A heart that devises wicked plans. • Feet that is swift in running to evil. • A false witness who speaks lies. • A sower of discord among brethren. Proverbs 6 : 16 6. Rejoice for what you are created, you are fearfully and wonderfully made, be faithful for all what you do in life, and remember your creator in your youth and when you are still strong and God will remember you in your old age. Amen.



God`s grace

Believe me, we all fail. Even the most anointed man of God sins.
But this fact cannot stop us from fulfilling our purpose on earth . No one is perfect, if I were, I should not be writing to you right now because of my unfaithfulness, but it is only the grace of God that makes me stand. It is the grace of God that helps me every day of my life to care about the people of God and minister unto them with love and compassion.

If I look at my life, I am not even worthy of being
called a child of God, but thank God for the blood of Jesus that
washes my sins away. Jesus makes me perfect and helps me to stand even when the devil and the world oppose.

The bible says: “Therefore there is now no condemnation for those
who are in Christ Jesus. For the law of the Spirit of life in Christ
Jesus has set you free from the law of sin and of death. For what the
Law could not do, weak as it was through the flesh, God did: sending
His own Son in the likeness of sinful flesh and as an offering for sin,
He condemned sin in the flesh,” Roman 8: 1-3

I am not saying that we are free to sin, but if in case that happens,
God remains faithful and the grace of God is there to forgive and
restore our lives so that we can continue to bring God`s healing
power to the people. Because If we are faithless, He remains faithful,
for He cannot deny Himself. 1 timothy 2:13

As for you. You may be dealing with sins and unbelief right now, and the devil has been causing you to live beneath the authority God`s word through sins and guilt, but remember one thing, God`s grace is still there to forgive you , just as he forgives me. Jesus loves you so much that is why he cares about you.

Yes , people can judge you because of what you did, but God can`t. It doesn`t matter what you did yesterday, nor what you have done today. Stand up and belief God for restoration. Always remember that God did not send his Son on the Cross of Calvary because you and I were holy. " No" , it is because He loves us despite our sins and unbelief. The bible says: " God shows his love for us in that while we were still sinners, Christ died for us" Romans 5:8

Do not faint, do not worry, do not feel as if God has rejected you because of your mistakes. Today is the day God has made for you, therefore rejoice and praise Him for his faithfulness.

Thy saith the Lord: " For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the LORD, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future." Jeremiah 291;11.

Know that, even if you are backslide, God can restore you and give you hope and future to proper you. And if you stand steady , many people will glorify God in your life one day, because of what he has done!
This is the amazing grace of God for you. Oh,God loves you and he cares. Amen!

May God bless you and thank you for reading.


Raised from the dead

In the end of 2007, One day, I received a phone call from a friend of mine who used to be a minister in Western Europe. I remember during that time, as a missionary, I used to travel a lot for the work of God.

One day, he called me late in the evening and told me that a dear woman was seriously sick and terribly in agony for about 5 days. In fact, that woman could not eat or stand up. She was unable to look after herself or children. She was dying with terminal disease alone in her own house with two little kids. Taking to account she`s been frequently going to hospital and taking medicine but nothing worked well until her health condition deteriorated.

Well, when he asked me to go and pray for her, I realised that I was far from the place where she lived and it could take me long to get there. Then I said to him that I could not make it through. Nevertheless, later the Spirit of God changed my mind and urged me to go to that place.

Arriving at her place late around 11 pm, I rung the house`s bell but realized that no one was answering. Then I insisted, after about 20 min later I heard a voice, it was a 5 years old little child who came to open the door.
I asked her, how her mum was doing; She replied that it has been 3 hours that her mum was not speaking, neither moving. Once I heard that, I found out that her situation was at a critical stage. I entered in the house. Once I arrived in the living room, I saw that lady`s body lying on the sofas. She was dead already. Her body was cold.

Then I cried, saying “ Lord I wish I came earlier, why did I take so long to arrive!” , Then the Lord said to me,: “ With me God nothing shall be impossible” , Then He added, if you believe in me now , and pray, you`ll see my glory manifest right now” And He said to me once again “this woman time to die has not come yet “

Then I looked around and saw the little kids around me, and I cried again with tears. I bowed on my knees and began to worship God. Then I reminded God about His promises. As I was praying in the spirit, I led my right hand on her dead body and commanded her in the name of Jesus to come back to life. Before I finished praying, suddenly her breath came back into her and she started breathing.

Her eyes that looked so white and upside down turned to normal. All of the sudden she started sweating and her body became so warm.
As I kept praying, suddenly, she jumped off from the sofas and cried loud: “Thank God, I was about to leave my Kids forever!”
Bearing in mind she was dead for about three hours and was not in motion for a while, she was unable to move properly. I asked her if she could make some movements. It was actually, but with a little help of mine, she managed to move.
Praise God! She came back to life. God raised her from death! With God, all things are possible. To God be all the glory .Amen...
Jesus Christ is the same yesterday, now and forevermore. He is able to do beyond what we can even ask or think...
He never changes and has the power to bring all things to life. Amen....Chika shanda