

I believe everything in life exists for a purpose. Moreover, the reason why God created you is to be successful.

Jesus Christ the Son of God was not born in Jerusalem the City of Kings, but His birth was located in one of the most disregarded village in Israel.

Why did God choose Bethlehem to fulfil the word announced by the prophets? I believe it is because; He has the potential make something incredibly big out of scratch.
In the bible, no leader was born great. All of them came from nowhere, but because they trusted in the power of the word of God, they succeeded in all things.

It does not matter how or where you are functioning, if you believe, then God will cause you to be successful and take you as far as you can even imagine.

When you put your trust in God’s word, He gives power to overcome the circumstances of life.
The book of Genesis relates the story of the creation with accounts of Man been given authority and dominion to rule over all things:  It is written: “and God blessed them, and God said unto them, be fruitful, and multiply, and replenish the earth, and subdue it: and have dominion over the fish of the sea, and over the fowl of the air, and over every living thing that moveth upon the earth”.(Gen.1:28 Kjv).

It was so until, man lost his dominion because of His disobedience. This authority and dominion were restored once you became Christian, for the bible says: “But as many have received Him (Jesus) , He has given them the power to become sons of God, even to them that believe on his name.”
There is much power in you to succeed in life. God has given you all power and it is up to you to use it.
It cost God nothing when He created the heavens and the earth. He just spoke the word and things came into existence; likewise, as Child of God, you have the ability to declare life and prosperity over everything. God has the capacity to call things that are not as though there were, so do you. Because such Father, such son.

Roman 4:17 “As it is written I have made thee a father of many nations, He (Abraham), Believed in God even who quickeneth the dead, and calleth those things which be not as though there were”. (Kjv)
You can become anybody in life. If you have faith and declare, the word and it shall happen.
Angels are waiting for you to release the word so that they can back you up and move on behalf.
Your situation can change now as you decide to exercise the power that God has placed in you.

Pray this way!
God, I thank you for showing me that I have
More power than I thought.
Now, I take charge of my life and my future.
I command my blessing to come to me,
From today, I’m no longer the tail, but the Head.
The enemy is under my feet.
I am blessed and victorious,
In Jesus `name. Amen!

Apostle Medyt/ 2012 © copyrights/ from death to victory book

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